Risultati sintetici Catalogo del Polo Regionale di Sicilia Ricerca: Collezione = Studi >> Collezione = servizio studi della banca d'italia Risultati: 101-150 di (720) 101. Marconi, Daniela Endogenous growth and trade liberalization between asymmetric countries / by Daniela Marconi Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2007 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0051450] 102. New eurocoin: tracking economic growth in real time / by Filippo Altissimo ...[et al.] Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2007 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0051451] 103. Del Gatto, Massimo Openness to trade and industry cost dispersion : evidence from a panel of italian firms / by Massimo Del Gatto, Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano and Marcello Pagnini Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2007 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0051456] 104. Faiella, Ivan The weighting process in the SHIW / by Ivan Faiella and Romina Gambacorta Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2007 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0051457] 105. Ciarlone, Alessio Emerging markets spreads and global financial conditions / by Alessio Ciarlone, Paolo Piselli and Giorgio Trebeschi Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2007 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0051458] 106. Marconi, Daniela Comparative advantage patterns and domestic determinants in emerging countries: an analysis with a focus on technology / by Daniela Marconi and Valeria Rolli Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2007 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0051676] 107. Magri, Silvia The financing of small innovative firms : the Italian case / by Silvia Magri Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2007 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0051678] 108. Mistrulli, Paolo Emilio Assessing financial contagion in the interbank market : maximum entropy versus observed interbank lending patterns / by Paolo Emilio Mistrulli Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2007 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0051680] 109. Moretti, Gianluca <1978- > Detecting long memory co-movements in macroeconomic time series / by Gianluca Moretti Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2007 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0051683] 110. Di Giacinto, Valter The producer service sector in Italy : long-term growth and its local determinants / by Valter Di Giacinto and Giacinto Micucci Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2007 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0051690] 111. Gambacorta, Leonardo Modelling bank lending in the euro area: a non-linear approach / by Leonardo Gambacorta and Carlotta Rossi Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0053443] 112. Tomat, Gian Maria Revisiting poverty and welfare dominance / by Gian Maria Tomat Roma : Bianca d'Italia, 2007 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0053477] 113. Gobbi, Giorgio Does the underground economy hold back financial deepening? : evidence from the Italian credit market / by Giorgio Gobbi and Roberta Zizza Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2007 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0053515] 114. Del Giovane, Paolo What's behind inflation perceptions? : #27;Ha #27;Isurvey-based analysis of Italian consumers / by Paolo Del Giovane, Silvia Fabiani and Roberto Sabbatini Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0055926] 115. The effects of fiscal policy in Italy : evidence from a VAR model / by Raffaela Giordano ... [et al.] Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0055932] 116. Fantino, Davide R & D and market structure in a horizontal differentiation framework / by Davide Fantino Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0055941] 117. Iacoviello, Matteo Housing market spillovers: evidence from an estimated DSGE model / by Matteo Iacoviello and Stefano Neri Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0055942] 118. Faiella, Ivan Accounting for sampling design in the SHIW / by Ivan Faiella Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0055947] 119. Bortolotti, Bernardo Delayed privatization / by Bernardo Bortolotti and Paolo Pinotti Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0055953] 120. Ciapanna, Emanuela Directed matching with endogenous Markov probability : clients or competitors? / by Emanuela Ciapanna Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0055961] 121. Affinito, Massimiliano What are borders made of? : An analysis of barriers to European banking integration / by Massimiliano Affinito and Matteo Piazza Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0055962] 122. Lamorgese, Andrea R. Innovation driven sectoral shocks and aggregate city cycles / by Andrea R. Lamorgese Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0055963] 123. Brandolini, Andrea On applying synthetic indices of multidimensional well-being : health and income inequalities in selected EU countries / by Andrea Brandolini Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0055964] 124. Biancotti, Claudia Values, inequality and happiness / by Claudia Biancotti and Giovanni D'Alessio Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0055965] 125. Marcucci, Juri Credit risk and business cycle over different regimes / by Juri Marcucci and Mario Quagliariello Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0056346] 126. Balassone, Fabrizio Cyclical asymmetry in fiscal variables / by Fabrizio Balassone, Maura Francese and Stefania Zotteri Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0056347] 127. Barbieri, Gianna Labour market for teachers : demographic characteristics and allocative mechanisms / by Gianna Barbieri, Piero Cipollone and Paolo Sestito Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0056381] 128. Barone, Guglielmo Service regulation and growth : evidence from OECD countries / by Guglielmo Barone and Federico Cingano Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0056382] 129. Bugamelli, Matteo Output growth volatility and remittances / by Matteo Bugamelli and Francesco PaternĂ² Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0056384] 130. Di Giacinto, Valter Agglomeration within and between regions : two econometric based indicators / by Valter Di Giacinto and Marcello Pagnini Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2008 Monografia - Testo a stampa [IST0056385] 131. Ball, Clifford A. Mean reversion tests with reflecting barriers : an application to european monetary system exchange rates / by Clifford A. Ball and Antonio Roma [Roma] : Banca d'Italia, 1992 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10322317] 132. Generational accounting: the case of Italy : research project on saving in Italy / by D. Franco ... \et al.! \Roma! : Banca d'Italia, 1992 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10322348] 133. Monticelli, Carlo Monetary coordination under an exchange rate agreement and the optimal monetary instrument / by Carlo Monticelli Roma : Banca d'Italia, 1993 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10333066] 134. Buehrer, Timothy Computable general equilibrium models as tools for policy analysis in developing countries : some basic principles and an empirical application / by Timothy Buehrer and Filippo Di Mauro Roma : Banca d'Italia, 1995 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10363788] 135. Nicoletti-Altimari, Sergio The effect of liquidity constraints on consumption and labor supply : evidence from Italian households / by Sergio Nicoletti-Altimari and Mary D. Thomson Roma : Banca d'Italia, 1995 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10363813] 136. Fornari, Fabio <1964- > Sign- and volatility-switching ARCH models : theory and applications to international stock markets / by Fabio Fornari and Antonio Mele Roma : Banca d'Italia, 1995 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10363817] 137. Scalia, Antonio Bidder profitability under uniform price auctions and systematic reopenings : the case of Italian treasury bonds / by Antonio Scalia Roma : Banca d'Italia, 1997 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10436940] 138. Miniaci, Raffaele The Italian recession of 1993 : aggregate implications of microeconomic evidence / by Raffaele Miniaci and Guglielmo Weber Roma : Banca d'Italia, 1997 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10436977] 139. Rustichini, Aldo More equal but less mobile? : education financing and intergenerational mobility in Italy and in the US / by A. Rustichini, A. Ichino and D. Checchi Roma : Banca d'Italia, 1997 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10436979] 140. Letterie, Wilko Excessive activism or passivism of monetary policy? / by Wilko Letterie and Francesco Lippi Roma : Banca d'Italia, 1997 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10436980] 141. Buttiglione, Luigi The role of the different Central Bank rates in the transmission of monetary policy / by L. Buttiglione, P. Del Giovane and E. Gaiotti Roma : Banca d'Italia, 1997 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10436984] 142. Pozzolo, Alberto Franco Research and development, regional spillovers, and the location of economic activities / by Alberto Franco Pozzolo Roma : Banca d'Italia, 1998 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10466396] 143. Giannini, Curzio Enemy of none but a common friend of all? : an international perspective on the lender-of-last-resort function / by Curzio Giannini Roma : Banca d'Italia, 1998 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10482540] 144. Scalia, Antonio Does market transparency matter? : a case study / by A. Scalia and V. Vacca Roma : Banca d'Italia, 1999 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10512460] 145. Giannetti, Mariassunta On the mechanics of migration decisions : skill complementarities and endogenous price differentials / by Mariassunta Giannetti Roma : Banca d'Italia, 2000 Monografia - Testo a stampa [LO10519333] 146. Kim, Chulsoo Has the postwar US economy deviated less from the stable growth regime? / by Chulsoo Kim and Michele Manna [Roma] : Banca d'Italia, 1994 Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL0205032] 147. Angelini, Paolo An econometric analysis of money demand in Italy / by P. Angelini, D. F. Hendry and R. Rinaldi [Roma] : Banca d'Italia, 1994 Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL0205049] 148. Sestito, Paolo Actual and "normal" inventories of finished goods : qualitative and quantitative evidence from the Italian manufacturing sector / by Paolo Sestito and Ignazio Visco \Roma! : Banca d'Italia, 1994 Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL0205186] 149. Angelini, Paolo The short-term behavior of interest rates : did the founding of the fed really matter? / by Paolo Angelini [Roma] : Banca d'Italia, 1990 Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL0205196] 150. Guiso, Luigi Time consistency and subgame perfection : the difference between promises and threats / by Luigi Guiso and Daniele Terlizzese [Roma] : Banca d'Italia, 1990 Monografia - Testo a stampa [MIL0205454]