Risultati sintetici Catalogo del Polo Regionale di Sicilia Ricerca: Codice Classificazione Dewey = 158.1 >> Paese = stati uniti Risultati: 1-2 di (2) 1. Hunter, Estelle Belle Personality development : a practical self-teaching course comprising health, posture, dress, grooming, voice and speech, conversation, social and business etiquette, self-confidence, poise, living and working with others, acquiring background, improvement of mind and character, achieving success and happiness / by Estelle B. Hunter Chicago : The Better-Speech Institute of America Monografia - Testo a stampa [PAL0250523] 2. Maltz, Maxwell Psycho-cybernetics : a new way to get more living out of life / Maxwell Maltz ; foreword by Melvin Powers Hollywood : Wilshire Book Company, 1972 Monografia - Testo a stampa [VEA1292564]